No matter where you are in your organization or in life…

You have an opportunity to start each day anew.

Reborn Leadership BLOG

Articles to inspire you on the journey in developing your personal leadership.

Reborn Leadership PODCAST

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Articles / Books RESOURCES

My favorite books and articles for those looking to grow in their leadership.


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I Am Dedicated to Helping You Create Opportunities in Why and How You Lead Each Day!

Leadership is a skill! We are not born with it, but when we choose to lead and develop ourselves…amazing things happen. You might find yourself placed in a position where you have those under your charge.

I am here to help guide you wherever you are in your organization to inspire and create a team filled with passion!

Founder of Reborn Leadership

Our latest shows to explore insights from great leaders and how to inspire others.

Reborn Leadership Cause

Finding a cause within your leadership is of utmost importance. It provides a sense of direction, passion, and purpose that fuels your efforts to inspire others.

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Leadership quotes

My favorite quotes from Great Leaders!

Eleanor Roosevelt
    Eleanor Roosevelt

    You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.

    Simon Sinek
      Simon Sinek

      Leadership is not a rank or position, it is a choice – A choice to look after the person to the left of us and the person to the right of us.

      Stephen R. Covey
        Stephen R. Covey

        Every human being has four endowments – self-awareness, conscience, independent will, and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom: The power to choose, to respond, to change.


        Take a minute to stop and look around. Take the time to notice how you feel, what you are thinking and how you respond to your environment.

        John Doe


        Leadership is not a Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) product you simply buy. It is a journey of self discovery filled with adventure.

        Jennifer Doe

        Low Power

        Time to plug in and recharge. Don’t wait until you are exhausted and at 5%. Find your passion, purpose and cause to keep going.

        Claudia Doe