Pause & Reflect

by Tim Nadolny on July 3, 2023

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there was a leader named Mike. He was a go-getter, always on the move and focused on achieving success. He had a reputation for his relentless drive and dedication to his work. However, in his pursuit of success, Mike rarely took the time to pause and reflect on his actions and their impact on his team.

Mike’s days were filled with a flurry of activity. He constantly moved from one task to another, always striving to meet deadlines and push his team forward. He believed that success came from constant action and forward momentum, and he expected the same level of commitment from his team members.

However, as time went on, Mike started to notice certain challenges emerging within his team. There were instances of miscommunication, a lack of collaboration, and a sense of burnout among some team members. It became clear to Mike that his non-stop approach to work was taking a toll on his team’s well-being and overall effectiveness.

Mike simply needed the Reborn Mindset to Pause and Reflect

Do you identify with my story….I mean “Mike’s” story?

Good. Keep reading to get a peek into some of the many approaches the Reborn Mindset can offer you both in the moment and every morning you wake up before you go into work and do great things! 

Mindful Leadership: Taking a Minute to Observe

In the world of leadership, the demands of this role often leave little time for self-reflection and observation. However, by taking just a minute to stop, look around, and consciously observe our inner state and external environment can greatly enhance our leadership effectiveness.

Let’s explore the importance of pausing, examining our emotions, observing our thoughts, and responding to our environment as leaders.

By integrating these mindful practices into our leadership approach, we can cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and make more informed decisions for the benefit of our teams and organizations.

“Leaders who practice mindfulness are more focused, empathetic, and able to make wiser decisions.”

– Daniel Goleman

Develop Emotional Intelligence

Take a moment to tune into your emotions as a leader. Pay attention to how you feel and the impact it may have on your interactions and decision-making. By developing emotional intelligence, you can better understand your own emotions and empathize with the feelings of your team members.

Set aside time to reflect on your leadership experiences and assess your emotional state. Ask yourself probing questions such as “How am I feeling about my leadership responsibilities?” and “What emotions arise when facing challenges?”

This practice helps you gain insights into your leadership style and promotes self-growth.

Practice Self-reflection

Set aside time to reflect on your leadership experiences and assess your emotional state. Ask yourself probing questions such as “How am I feeling about my leadership responsibilities?” and “What emotions arise when facing challenges?”

This practice helps you gain insights into your leadership style and promotes self-growth.

Foster a Supportive Environment

As a leader, create a safe and supportive space where team members can openly express their emotions. Encourage open dialogue, active listening, and provide constructive feedback.

By acknowledging and validating the members of your team, you foster an environment that promotes trust, collaboration, and psychological safety.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Observe your thoughts and assess whether they align with a growth mindset. Notice any limiting beliefs, anxiety, fear or negative self-talk that may hinder your leadership effectiveness.

Challenge these thoughts and reframe them into more positive and growth-oriented perspectives.

Your role as a leader has with it an inherent responsibility is to become a student of leadership and the journey of self-discovery!

Practice Active Thought Monitoring 

Take regular moments to pause and observe the thoughts that arise during critical decision-making or challenging situations. Observe any biases, assumptions, or mental models that may influence your thinking. This practice allows you to make more conscious and objective decisions as a leader.

Seek Diverse Perspectives

Actively seek out diverse viewpoints and encourage team members to share their thoughts and ideas. By embracing cognitive diversity, you expand your own thinking and promote innovation within your team.

Create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and comfortable sharing their thoughts.

Understanding Our Responses to the Environment

Observe the needs and preferences of your team members in different situations. Adapt your leadership approach accordingly, whether it be providing support, autonomy, or guidance.

By being attuned to the environment and individual needs, you can lead with greater effectiveness and empower your team to thrive.

Embrace Change and Uncertainty

Observe your response to change and uncertainty. Notice any resistance or fear that arises. Cultivate a mindset that embraces change as an opportunity for growth and innovation.

Encourage adaptability within your team and lead by example in navigating uncertain situations.

Practice Mindful Decision-Making

Before making important decisions, take a moment to pause, center yourself, and fully consider the potential impact of your choices.

Engage in thoughtful reflection and consider multiple perspectives. By practicing mindful decision-making, you can make more informed and ethical choices as a leader.

Lead by Example

Demonstrate mindfulness and self-awareness in your actions and interactions with others. Model the behaviors and qualities you wish to see in your team.

By leading by example, you inspire and empower your team members to cultivate their own mindfulness and self-awareness.

Invest in Personal Development

Continuously invest in your own personal and professional development as a leader. Seek out learning opportunities, engage in self-reflection, and embrace feedback.

By dedicating time to your growth, you deepen your self-awareness and develop the skills needed to lead with mindfulness and effectiveness.

As leaders, it is essential to take a moment to


Use the Reborn Mindset to observe and reflect on your inner state and external environment.

By integrating mindfulness into our leadership approach, we can cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and make more informed decisions for the benefit of our teams and organizations. By tuning into our emotions, observing our thoughts, and understanding our responses to the environment, we become more effective and impactful leaders.

Practicing mindful leadership requires continuous effort and commitment to personal growth, but the rewards are immense.

So, let us all take a minute today, and every day, to stop, look around, and embrace the transformative power of mindful leadership.

Through mindful observation, we can foster positive change, create inclusive cultures, and inspire our teams to achieve their full potential.

Recommendations / Way Ahead

If this article has somehow got you thinking about how you lead within your organization, I encourage you to follow me and check-in periodically as I continue to publish more on how to improve in your leadership.

Remember, even if you have made mistakes in the past as a leader or you are now recognizing the importance of how your decisions and behaviors impact the workplace environment, you now have the opportunity to start each day anew.

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