The Reborn Leadership Cause

by Tim Nadolny on June 25, 2023

Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on your purpose as a leader? What is your true calling in leadership, and how can you actively fulfill it?

These questions carry immense significance, as they have the power to influence and create positive change in the lives of people and the world around you.

Having a higher purpose in leadership means going beyond personal success.

It means being driven by a sense of purpose and a burning desire to make a difference. As a leader, you may see yourself as a servant to your team, organization, or community; however your ultimate goal is to empower others and help them reach their full potential. 

Remember, Leadership is not just about holding a Position or having a Title

It is a Mindset, a Way of Life.

As you embark on your leadership journey, keep these questions close to your heart, and continuously strive to grow, learn, and have a positive impact on those you lead.

As a leader, I have discovered my own calling and realized that my purpose lies in teaching, assisting, and inspiring others. By nurturing and supporting those around me, I aim to make a significant impact on their lives.

As I inspire others to be their best selves, I am fulfilling my own calling as a leader. While the path to fulfilling this higher purpose may present challenges, the rewards are always worth it. 

Finding a cause within your leadership is of utmost importance.

It provides a sense of direction, passion, and purpose that fuels your efforts and inspires others. A cause gives your leadership a meaningful context, a reason to persevere in the face of challenges, and a rallying point for your team.

It ignites a fire within you and motivates you to make a difference.

When you have a cause, you become more than just a leader; you become a catalyst for change, a beacon of inspiration.

Your cause becomes a driving force that propels you to leave a lasting impact and create a better future.

This is the Reborn Leadership cause, for it is a movement, an initiative, focused on transforming leadership development.

Gone are the old ways of learning how to lead as there is a need for a new approach to leadership that centers on values, character and intention.

The Reborn Leadership Cause is…

I believe in a world where we have the opportunity to start each day with inspiration to lead with the power of purpose, and where people in all places feel fulfilled in the work that they do.”

“Lead a better life, filled with realistic optimism and the result is that we will change the world.”

Leaders who begin each day with a sense of purpose and optimism, who cultivates the Reborn Mindset, will effectively lead themselves and others. By striving to have a clear sense of purpose, we develop a sense of satisfaction from our actions and accomplishments related to that purpose.

When you identify with the Reborn Mindset, strive for meaningful goals and find fulfillment in working towards them. Focus not only on professional leadership, but also on personal growth and improvement to bring about a positive change on individual lives.

In maintaining a positive outlook while acknowledging the difficult challenges in life, the Reborn Leadership path inspires you to adopt an optimistic mindset that is grounded in reality.

Although an ambitious objective, I hope to make a significant impact to effect positive change not only on individual lives but society as a whole. Overall, Reborn Leadership is a movement that seeks to inspire individuals, promote purpose and fulfillment, encourage realistic optimism, and drive positive change in all aspects of life.

True leadership is not just about telling people what to do.

It’s about showing them, and providing support and guidance along the way.

I believe that a great leader is someone who listens to others, communicates effectively, and is someone who is passionate about their vision and can inspire others to share that vision and work together towards a common goal.

A great leader is someone who recognizes their own strengths and weaknesses to help members of their team to grow.

To me, leadership is also about being accountable and taking responsibility for one’s actions. A great leader doesn’t blame others for their failures or take credit for their successes alone, but they share the credit with their team and take ownership of any mistakes or shortcomings.

I believe that all leaders have an opportunity to start each day with intention.

That means I believe in you…the inspired leader who takes actions centered in your character.  I believe that you are more than capable of having a profound impact on the people around you.

With practice, I know you will feel the power of purpose and bring fulfillment to the forefront of your life. Embrace the idea of using a realistic and optimistic approach to your leadership and watch how the world changes before your eyes.


If you are just getting started in your leadership or you have been in this role for some time now, I would like to say “welcome” you have chosen a path to serve others.

You are probably already aware that this is not an easy journey, but a very rewarding one that brings an enormous amount of fulfillment to your life. So lets get started!

It begins by simply waking up and setting an intention every morning with excitement and curiosity to see how you will transform in your leadership.

Recommendations / Way Ahead

Are you inspired? Ready to lead within your organization? I encourage you to follow me and check-in periodically as I continue to publish more on how to improve in your leadership.

Remember, even if you have made mistakes in the past as a leader or you are now recognizing the importance of how your decisions and behaviors impact the workplace environment, you now have the opportunity to start each day anew.

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No matter where you are in your organization or in life, you have an opportunity to start each day anew.

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